news GeCA project featured in Mytiliade 2024

ICPI, in collaboration with BIA, took part in the 2024 edition of Mytiliade, the renowned festival dedicated to the gastronomic excellence of the Gulf of Poets. The event, held in Lerici from September 13 to 15, highlighted the area’s typical products, with a focus on mussel farming and the richness of the area’s cultural and natural heritage.

On Sunday, September 15, a talk dedicated to sustainable tourism was held, with the presentation of GeCA – Geoportal of Food Culture, an important tool for the enhancement of the intangible heritage of territories.


The meeting was attended by experts in the field, including:

Leandro Ventura – Director of the Central Institute for Intangible Heritage, Ministry of Culture

Matteo Garnero – Director General, Agency in Liguria

Roberta Garibaldi – Professor of Tourism Management, University of Bergamo and President of the Italian Food and Wine Tourism Association

Caroline Couret – Founder of the Creative Tourism Network and contact person for the project “La route culinaire de Tunisie”

Vincenzo Russo – Full Professor of Consumer Psychology and Neuromarketing, Scientific Coordinator of the initiative Sicily European Region of Gastronomy 2025

The meeting was moderated by Vittorio Castellani, “gastronomade” journalist of the Italian Tourism Press Group GIST.

During the day, BIA had the opportunity to interact with enthusiasts of the sea and local food and wine culture, presenting initiatives aimed at enhancing the area’s cultural resources and local craft knowledge.