news Piedmont stop of the Census Project in collaboration with UNPLI. Two major events between Biella and Valdengo

BIA collaborated with UNPLI Nazionale and UNPLI Piemonte in the conception and organization of the Piedmont stage of the Census Project presentation tour, which was held on Saturday, September 14 2024, between Biella and Valdengo.


The panel in the morning, composed of scholars and experts in the field, brought together inside the Palazzo Ferrero in Biella, all the key stakeholders of the project and the main local authorities, to examine the motivations and basic principles that guided the launch of the census, emphasizing the importance of collective participation.










The panel, moderated by Adriana Volpe, was able to count among its participants, prominent institutional figures at a local and national level, including: the Vice Mayor of Biella Sara Gentile, the Councillor Events and Manifestations City of Biella Edoardo Maiolatesi, the President of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio, the President FF of ANCI Roberto Pella, the Councillor for Culture Region Pimeonte Marina Chiarelli, the President UNPLI Piedmont Fabrizio Ricciardi, the President Terzjus Luigi Bobba, ANCI Culture Manager Vincenzo Santoro, ICPI Director Leandro Ventura, UNPLI Piedmont Vice President Stefano Raso, UNPLI Biella President Daniela D’Alessandro, UNPLI Liguria Regional President Daniela Segale, Biella Savings Bank Foundation President Michelangelo Colombo and UNPLI Sect. Tourism and Culture Alessandro Boggio Merlo.ù




Socio-cultural speeches by Master Artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, Anthropologist Prof. Michele Filippo Fontefrancesco and Archivist Danilo Craveia investigated the importance of various measures to safeguard, enhance and promote Italy’s intangible heritage.


Our CEO Angelo Boscarino emphasized how much BIA believes in the high cultural and social value of this project, which sees us involved in coordinating the work that will lead to the creation of the Radici Culturali platform, the database that will collect and make visible to all users the materials collected thanks to the censuses carried out around Italy.

The evening event in Valdengo, with performances by representatives of local Pro Loco organizations, was a moment of sharing and celebration, concretely underscoring the quality and quantity of Italy’s Cultural Heritage and the need to know and preserve it.